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Alamos is rooted in over 120 years of family winemaking. Generation after generation has passed along the passion and winemaking expertise that results in the very best of Argentina in every bottle. From our adventurous high-elevation vineyards at the foot of the Andes, we craft flavourful, approachable, and authentically Argentine wines.



Few winegrowing regions in the world boast the bold combination of elevation, climate, sun exposure and natural irrigation afforded to Argentinian viticulture and the vineyards of Alamos. Tucked under the massive shoulders of the Andes Mountains in west central Argentina, the province of Mendoza is renowned for housing some of the country’s best winegrowing regions. The character of Mendoza wines is forged in high altitude desert vineyards at 3,000 to 5,000 feet, irrigated by mineral-rich snowmelt from the Andes. High altitude means cool temperatures and clear air, and clear air means more sunlight for building flavour in the grapes, helping to make Mendoza the source of Argentina’s well-earned reputation for top quality, unique wines and viticulture.




Alamos is such an exciting winery to be part of. It shows what Argentina and Mendoza wine can be. When I’m making wines, I’m trying to express the best things about our grapes and about each region."


Lucía Vaieretti grew up in Mendoza where her family has tended vines for more than 40 years. She worked in vineyards with her parents, brothers and sister when she was young. That was the foundation of her deep, and joyful, bond with Mendoza’s high desert vineyards. “Even then,” Lucía says, “I knew we were in a special place.

Lucía attended Don Bosco, the most prestigious school of viticulture and enology in South America. She’s been making wine for 12 years, much of it with Alamos, and took over as head of winemaking at Alamos in 2016


Lucía says her bond with Mendoza keeps growing. “This is a land of very bold qualities. We have sunshine and desert and our water comes from the snowmelt of our beautiful mountains,” she says. “People here really love our land.”

Lucía lives in Mendoza’s Uco Valley with her husband, Rodrigo Calatayud, who is also a winemaker. They have four young daughters and tend their own vineyard. “I love that my daughters get to grow up as I did, connected to the vines and our land,” Lucía says..

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